FILTHY JEWISH SCUM AT WORK: Pedophiles will save the world claims the World Economic Forum
[This is just insane Jewish crap. The Jews have to be behind this utter garbage. It is amazing what these filthy Jewish garbage have the gall to do and to get into the public. All this weirdo sex, etc – Jews, Jews… Jews are behind this evil filth and the destruction and perversion of our children. There are 3 videos at the source link below. Jan]
Here’s the source link to the videos below:
“Pedophiles will save the world”, claims the World Economic Forum
Organized, systematic child abuse is part of the lifestyle of the elites in the higher circles of our societies. As this is being exposed, they are at risk of being prosecuted, which is why they are trying to normalize it. Check the videos below for shocking eye witness testimonies, and check out our in depth evidence report about child trafficking and abuse, by top officials of our world.
Top officials torture,
rape, and murder kids
Attorney Anne Marie van Blijenburgh testifies how she was present three times with ritual abuse and murder of children, by members of the Dutch royal family and the top of politics, the judiciary and other dignitaries. This happens in every country, as it is basic practice of the criminal financial elites who run the world.
"Sacrifice children, and be rich!"
Ronald Bernard was a high level bankster, who moved mass amounts of money for governments, industrials, banks etc. He was invited into the upper echelons of society to participate in the ritual abuse and murder of children. Then, for him, all doors to wealth and power would open.