FANTASTIC: Donations to Clinton Foundation Sink to Lowest Level in a Decade

[The Clintons are true White trash. The lowest of low that Whites can sink to. Jan]

Donations to the Clinton Foundation have fallen off a cliff in the past year, dropping by to the lowest levels in at least a decade.

The organization’s donations were down close to 75 percent from its 2016 top, when Hillary was expected to win the presidency, at $62.9 million.

The IRS filings show the Clinton Foundation took in $16.3 million last year in contributions and grants.

In 2019, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “charity” took in $29.6 million.

The Foundation took in $24.2 million in 2018, $26.6 million in 2017, and $62.9 million in 2016.

“While 2020 brought urgent needs to address from the pandemic and a deepened focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion; it also was a difficult year for philanthropy,” Kevin Thurm, CEO of the Clinton Foundation, wrote.

“Across the sector, resources were stretched thinly and fundraising activities were impacted.”

Thurm continued:

“In difficult years, it is more important than ever that we maintain our commitment to the people and communities we partner with around the world.

“Last year, our work was fully funded by donations from individuals and organizations, as well as returns from our endowment.

“I am proud that our efforts continue to earn high ratings from four independent charity evaluators, and I am grateful to the donors who continue to make our work possible, to our partners for their extraordinary efforts, and our staff who have worked tirelessly through this difficult time.

“Particularly in challenging times, when we have the ability to make a difference, we have the responsibility to act.

“At the Clinton Foundation, we remain committed to working with our partners and communities around the world to meet this moment in history with optimism and determination,” he wrote.

From Arkansas Online:

The nonprofit last year had offices in Little Rock, New York City, Malawi, Tanzania and Rwanda, a spokesman said.

The organization’s assets are strong, and the nonprofit still holds a “very large” endowment, said Leslie Lenkowsky, a professor emeritus at Indiana University who studies philanthropy. But, he noted, contributions and grants continue to trend down in general for the nonprofit.

“This has been underway for a while. I think it largely reflects the fact that the Clintons are less prominent these days and their ability to raise funds has been affected by that,” he said.

The Clinton Foundation, he said, can be loosely characterized as a “celebrity foundation,” where a lot of the organization’s draw is generated by the fame of the people involved.

“Athletes have them. Movie stars have them. Other politicians have them. And so you’d expect to see a sharp decline as the celebrity factor starts to wane,” Lenkowsky said.

They need Chelsea to run for something. Otherwise dynastic power evaporating, no Darwinian reason to suck up to them //"Clinton Foundation donations plummet 75%"

— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) December 1, 2021


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