EXCELLENT White/NAZI news hub: Goebbels Hub: For White Resources & Research – A Jew-Free search engine needed!
[This website is brilliant. They run a nice news aggregation website, along with excellent relevant comments. I like them a lot. Really fantastic sources. We whites need a lot of this.
What we also need is our OWN SEARCH ENGINE. Years ago I bought a domain to keep for this purpose. If there’s one thing I would like to see whites do, is launch our own search engine. It does NOT have to be enormous to compete with Google. It just needs to focus on OUR sites, our blogs, our websites, our social media, our videos, our audios. That’s what we need. I had my own ideas in this regard to create a focused website that is interested ONLY in JEW-FREE sources. NO JEWS ALLOWED!
Anyhow this news aggregation website is a nice step in the right direction, assisting whites. I hope we have more of these, and ultimately our own search engines. We need to REPLACE EVERYTHING THAT THE JEWS and the assorted anti-white scum have. Jan]
Here’s the Goebbels Hub: http://theshitlordhub.blogspot.com/