Christians are sacrifices to the Jews: End times and the Messiah – Messianism of Kabbalah

[A reader sent me this Russian text which I translated. It relates to Christians being sacrificed for the Jews. I'm not religious, but this might interest Christians. Jan]

Here’s the translated article:-

After 72 years, the messiah king will manifest himself in the Galilee land, and when the star of the East swallows the seven stars of the North, and the flame of black fire hangs in the firmament for sixty days, wars will break out all over the world, at the point of the North, and two kings will fall in these battles (47 ). All nations will rally against Jacob’s daughter to throw her out of the world. It is written about this era: “This is a time of sorrow for Jacob, from it will come deliverance” (48) (Jeremiah 30: 7). Then souls and bodies will be exhausted and will have to be renewed, you have been given to know about this in the verse “All the people who belong to Jacob, and who came with him to Egypt (…) all the people? 70 ”(49) (Genesis 46:27). In the seventy-third year, all the kings of the world will unite in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One, be he blessed, will pour out fire and hail and lumps of glass on them, and they will be destroyed (50). Everyone except the kings who didn’t arrive in timethey will return and start wars again. Then the king-messiah will declare himself on the whole planet, many nations and many troops will gather around him, who have come from all parts of the world, and the children of Israel will gather together wherever they are, until the number of years reaches a hundred (51), then vau will join he, and “They will gather all your brothers from all nations for an offering to YHVH” (52) (Isaiah 66.20). The children of Ismail (53) are doomed in this era to join the rest of the nations of the world and go to Jerusalem, according to the words: “I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem, for struggle, etc.” (54) (Zechariah 14: 2). : “The kings of the earth rebelled, the princes all together turned against YHVH and against his messiah” (55) (Psalm 2: 2). But? “He who is in heaven is having fun, YHVH laughs at them” (56) (ibid. 2: 4). Finally, the little vau will be prompted tothat to unite with he and renew the ancient souls in order to renew the world, as it is said: “YHVH will rejoice in his labors” (57) (Psalm 104: 31). And “Glory forever to YHVH” (58) (ibid. 104: 31), uniting properly, “YHVH will rejoice in his labors”, will cause them to descend into the world and make them become new beings in order to unite all the worlds together. Happy are those who will live in peace at the end of the 6th millennium and who will be vouchsafed to enter Shabbat, because this is a special day for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they stood next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who remain in Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem” (59). (Isaiah 4: 3)“YHVH will rejoice in his labors” (57) (Psalm 104: 31). And “Glory forever to YHVH” (58) (ibid. 104: 31), uniting properly, “YHVH will rejoice in his labors”, will cause them to descend into the world and make them become new beings in order to unite all the worlds together. Happy are those who will live in peace at the end of the 6th millennium and who will be vouchsafed to enter Shabbat, because this is a special day for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they stood next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who remain in Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem” (59). (Isaiah 4: 3)“YHVH will rejoice in his labors” (57) (Psalm 104: 31). And “Glory forever to YHVH” (58) (ibid. 104: 31), uniting properly, “YHVH will rejoice in his labors”, will cause them to descend into the world and make them become new beings in order to unite all the worlds together. Happy are those who will live in peace at the end of the 6th millennium and who will be vouchsafed to enter Shabbat, because this is a special day for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they stood next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who remain in Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem” (59). (Isaiah 4: 3)“YHVH will rejoice in his labors”, will make them descend into the world and will make them become new beings in order to connect all the worlds together. Happy are those who will live in peace at the end of the 6th millennium and who will be vouchsafed to enter Shabbat, because this is a special day for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they stood next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who remain in Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem” (59). (Isaiah 4: 3)“YHVH will rejoice in his labors”, will make them descend into the world and will make them become new beings in order to connect all the worlds together. Happy are those who will live in peace at the end of the 6th millennium and who will be vouchsafed to enter Shabbat, because this is a special day for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they stood next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who remain in Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem” (59). (Isaiah 4: 3)because this day is special for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they will become next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who will remain on Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem ”(59). (Isaiah 4: 3)because this day is special for the Saint, be he the only blessed one, on this day He will mate, as it should be, and will conceive new souls so that they will become next to those who will remain there, as the verse says: “Those who will remain on Zion and those who are left in Jerusalem will be called saints, all those who will be inscribed as residents of Jerusalem ”(59). (Isaiah 4: 3)

So, visiting “the daughter of Jacob”, ie. Israel, will occur in the 666th year of the 6th millennium, in 5666 according to the Jewish chronology. (“Sixty years will pass after the shutting up of this 6th millennium, and the Divine of Heaven will pay his visit to the daughter of Jacob. By this time, when she is rewarded with“ remembrance, ”6 and a half years will have passed”). In other words, there is no doubt that the apocalyptic mysterious figure “666”, indicated as a terrible “number of the beast,” “Antichrist,” in the context of the “Zohar” is associated with “Mashiach” itself. And perhaps it is this consideration that explains the surge of messianic sentiments among the Jews of the 17th century, who, on the eve of 1666 (!), Were all ready to recognize the messiah Sabbatai Tsevi, the Thessaloniki Kabbalist and mystic, who declared himself to be the one Israel was waiting for. It is not excludedthat both Sabbatai Tsevi himself and his contemporaries saw in the figure “666” a clear Kabbalistic indication of the messianic secret of Israel.

This last cyclological consideration, together with the description of the ethnic aspect of Jewish metaphysics in general, should dispel the last doubts about the true nature of the Jewish mission and its eschatological function.

The battle with Esau

  • The centrality of the symbolic number 666 in the context of Judaistic eschatology, and in a positive sense, brings us to a more concrete form of national-religious dualism, which is the essence of Judaistic mysticism of history. If, in the most general sense, the Zohar opposes the “right side,” that is, Jews, the forces of the "reverse side", "Kelipot", i.e. non-Jews, the confrontation between the Jews and the Christian world is even more clearly emphasized, which, according to kabbalistic views (both from a legal and geopolitical point of view), is considered as a direct continuation of the power of Rome, the princes of the North, and Indo-European peoples.This is not just an arbitrary circumstance. The fact is that the "fourth scattering" itself, the actual and last (and therefore endowed with the most important eschatological meaning) scattering, is called the "scattering of Edom", since it began with the capture of Jerusalem by the Roman – Titus Flavius (Rome and wider, the Indo-European North was considered heir to Edom, Esau). And most of the Jews were scattered across the territories of the Roman Empire and among the peoples, the overwhelming majority of whom adopted Christianity. This historical circumstance, comprehended in the kabbalistic context of the Jewish hiero-history, directly led to the identification of the Christian tradition and the Christian world with the most important metaphysical enemy of the “chosen people”, with the final historical embodiment of the forces of Samael. Of course,the eschatological nationalism of Judaism is not limited exclusively to anti-Christianity, since an important role in the Zohar is also played by the confrontation with Ismail and his offspring, as well as with other hiero-historical communities (mythical or real). But, nevertheless, the conflict with Edom (the Roman-Christian world) is central. This is explained by the fact that it is Jacob who comes into conflict with his older brother Esau, the ancestor of Edom, for the birthright, and Jacob is the patriarch who will receive the sacred name “Israel” for the first time. Thus, the main enemy of Israel (Jacob, the Jewish community) is Esau, while the demonic offspring of Cain, Ismail, the son of Hagar fade into the well as with other hiero-historical communities (mythical or real). But, nevertheless, the conflict with Edom (the Roman-Christian world) is central. This is explained by the fact that it is Jacob who comes into conflict with his older brother Esau, the ancestor of Edom, for the birthright, and Jacob is the patriarch who will receive the sacred name “Israel” for the first time. Thus, the main enemy of Israel (Jacob, the Jewish community) is Esau, while the demonic offspring of Cain, Ismail, the son of Hagar fade into the well as with other hiero-historical communities (mythical or real). But, nevertheless, the conflict with Edom (the Roman-Christian world) is central. This is explained by the fact that it is Jacob who comes into conflict with his older brother Esau, the ancestor of Edom, for the birthright, and Jacob is the patriarch who will receive the sacred name “Israel” for the first time. Thus, the main enemy of Israel (Jacob, the Jewish community) is Esau, while the demonic offspring of Cain, Ismail, the son of Hagar fade into the background.which for the first time will receive the sacred name "Israel". Thus, the main enemy of Israel (Jacob, the Jewish community) is Esau, while the demonic offspring of Cain, Ismail, the son of Hagar fade into the background.which for the first time will receive the sacred name "Israel". Thus, the main enemy of Israel (Jacob, the Jewish community) is Esau, while the demonic offspring of Cain, Ismail, the son of Hagar fade into the background.

    The plot of Jacob’s battle with the “angel” is interpreted by the Zohar as a battle with Samael, who, in turn, is identified with the “guardian angel” of Esau, his “soul”. This battle is the archetype of the “fourth scattering”. All its details have a cyclical, metaphysical and eschatological meaning for Kabbalists. We quote the Zohar:

    “Rabbi Judah said: This is what is written about Jacob:“ And Jacob was left alone, while the man fought with him until dawn. ”(60) (Genesis 32:25) At that very moment, forces were distributed among all the armies of heaven ( 61), between these princes who rule over kingdoms, then it was decided who would rule over whom. Power and authority was given to the prince of Edom (62) so that he would rule over the nations. What does the text mean: Jacob was left alone "? Benjamin was not yet born and did not have a protector in heaven. "The man who fought with him" is Samael, the prince of Edom. He wanted Jacob to be subordinate to him, but for his great services Jacob was not given to him. At this moment, continued Rabbi Judah, all the heavenly armies gathered to ask for Jacob against Samael. Rabbi Yodai added: "Look what the text says:" He understood that he could not overcome ",since the merit of Jacob was too great and the arguments of Samael could not subdue him to Edom; and then “he hit him in the hollow of the thigh,” which means children coming from his loins. Then Jacob was exhausted and could no longer resist, which is expressed in the words: “Jacob’s thigh was dislocated while he fought with it,” testifying against him. So Samael was allowed to put the children of Jacob under the authority of Edom as long as they violate the laws of the Torah. "So Samael was allowed to put the children of Jacob under the authority of Edom as long as they violate the laws of the Torah. "So Samael was allowed to put the children of Jacob under the authority of Edom as long as they violate the laws of the Torah. "

    All the details of this episode are the most important symbolic indications on the basis of which Kabbalah builds eschatological doctrines. What matters is the fact that the battle takes place at night. This night is associated with the "night of the dispersion", the "night of the fourth dispersion".

    “So Jacob fought with him all night. Go and see: since his adversary rules only at night, Esau’s power extends only to the time of the dispersion, which is night. " That is why he overpowered Jacob at night and fought with him, but when morning came, he could no longer continue, and then Jacob began to prevail, since his kingdom is day. On this occasion it is written: “The Oracle of Duma (63) They shout to me from Seir: guard, how long will the nights last? Guard, what is the hour of the night? " (64) (Isaiah 21:11), because night is the time of Esau, who is Seir. He weakens when morning comes. “He says:“ let me go, because the dawn has risen. ” (65) (Genesis 32:26). "He replied: I will not let you go until you bless me." (66) (ibid.) “Until you bless me”? It should have been "until you bless" me in the future tense,and not “until you bless me” in the past tense? If you acknowledge the blessings my father gave me and do not challenge them (then I will let you go). After all, it is written: "He said: From now on you will not be called Jacob, but Israel, etc." Why Israel? He answered him: against our will, we must serve you, because you are protected by strength from above through a degree from above, and therefore your name will be Israel. "Because you fought with Elohim." What does it mean with “Elohim”? You might think that he was talking about himself, but he said: “You fought” so that you would join and copulate with Elohim, so it is written not “against Elohim”, but “with (together with) Elohim”, in his arms and intimate intercourse. "From now on you will not be called Jacob, but Israel, etc. ” Why Israel? He answered him: against our will, we must serve you, because you are protected by strength from above through a degree from above, and therefore your name will be Israel. "Because you fought with Elohim." What does it mean with “Elohim”? You might think that he was talking about himself, but he said: “You fought” so that you would join and copulate with Elohim, so it is written not “against Elohim”, but “with (together with) Elohim”, in his arms and intimate intercourse. "From now on you will not be called Jacob, but Israel, etc. ” Why Israel? He answered him: against our will, we must serve you, because you are protected by strength from above through a degree from above, and therefore your name will be Israel. "Because you fought with Elohim." What does it mean with “Elohim”? You might think that he was talking about himself, but he said: “You fought” so that you would join and copulate with Elohim, so it is written not “against Elohim”, but “with (together with) Elohim”, in his arms and intimate intercourse. "so that you join and copulate with Elohim, it is written not “against Elohim”, but “with (together with) Elohim”, in embrace and intimate intercourse. ”so that you join and copulate with Elohim, so it is written not “against Elohim,” but “with (together with) Elohim,” in embrace and intimate intercourse. ”

    The night of Seir lasts as long as the fourth scattering itself. Throughout this period, Israel is forced to submit to the domination of the forces of the “left side”, Esau, Edom, “Mount Seir”. The word “Seir” in Hebrew means “goat”. And the Zohar often emphasizes the connection between the hairiness of Esau, the firstborn of Isaac, and the “goatskin” in which Jacob wrapped himself so that the blind Isaac would mistake him for a brother and give him the birthright and blessing. Goat – was considered by the Jews (along with the donkey) an animal belonging to the "left side", "demonic world". Consequently, it is quite legitimate to extend the symbolic series and identify, in a kabbalistic perspective, Rome, more broadly, all Indo-European peoples, with Esau, Edom, Seir, a goat, a donkey.

    The end of the night, the end of the scattering, the end of Edom’s domination over the “chosen people” is associated with messianic symbolism, one of the images of which is “dawn”. Thus, the symbol of “dawn”, common to the traditional context, is identified in Kabbalah with a rather alarming prospect, in which the rise of Israel and its liberation from the domination of Edom is directly coupled with the suppression of all other peoples (primarily Christians, “Romans”, northerners ) and in the limit with their destruction.

    This moment is clearly manifested in the ritual of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, during which two goats are sacrificed (the symbol of Esau, Edom, etc.) – one YHVH, the other to Samael. In principle, these sacrifices are the archetypal paradigm of the "messianic time", when the "goyim" and especially the "peoples of Edom" will be similarly sacrificed. “For this reason, on every new moon, a goat is sacrificed in order to send it to its region, and so that it lags behind the moon. Also on the day of Kippur, a goat is sacrificed, this is out of trickery to subdue it and so that it cannot harm, according to the words: “The goat will carry away all sins to the desert lands and there, in the desert, the goat and leave it” (67). (Leviticus 16:22). The teachers say that the goat is Esau, who is hairy. " (Toldot).

    The fact that “Christians” are specifically counted as such “atoning sacrifices” in messianic times is emphasized by several symbolic passages of the Zohar. First, the prohibition from “Deuteronomy” to “harness a bull and a donkey in one team” is interpreted as an eschatological sign, since “the bull is“ severity ”(“ din ”) in the upper regions, and“ donkey (68) ”is“ severity ” (“Ding”) in the lower regions. " The Zohar says: "When they (the bull and the donkey) are together, they slander the world." It is known that the “bull and donkey” are depicted above the cradle of the Savior in Christian tradition. Consequently, the compilers of the Zohar mean precisely Christians. This is confirmed by another passage that anticipates this one. “What is Seir? "This is someone else’s wife, an unknown god."But it was precisely as an “unknown God” that the holy Apostle Paul preached Jesus Christ to the Gentile Greeks in the Areopagus.

    It is interesting how Kabbalists realize in the context of their hiero-history the metaphysical logic of dispersion. If the most outward explanation given in the esoteric Midrash (for example, Midrash Ha-Neelam) is that dispersion is punishment for sins, and that it will end as soon as the Israelites repent (Teshuba) and return to the roads "Torah", "Zohar" sees everything in a slightly different perspective. The period of domination of Esau and Edom over Jacob (“the fourth scattering”) is in a sense “Jacob’s cunning”, the prototype of which the “Zohar” sees in the plot of Jacob’s meeting with his brother.

    “Let my master go ahead of his servant, and I will go slowly, along with the caravan that is ahead of me.” (69) (Genesis 33:14) Rabbi Eleazar said: This is exactly what we said earlier. Jacob did not want to at this moment to invoke those blessings that his father Isaac gave him.At that moment, none of them has yet been realized, because they were all postponed until the end of time, until the moment when his children will feel the need for all of them in the face of the peoples peace ("goyim"). (…) Let your kingdom be established in the world at the beginning, "but I will hurrying. ”(…)“ Until I come to my master, to Seir ”- I will suffer in your exile until my time comes when I will rule over Mount Esau (i.e.Seir), since it is written: “The saved will ascend to Mount Zion to judge Mount Esau; then the kingdom will be with YHVH. " ("Vaishlah")

    "I’ll go slowly." – This is the basic Judaistic formula of hiero-history. This is the expectation of the fulfillment of eschatological promises and the hope of a vengeful triumph for the peoples and states of the earth, especially those that are powerful at a time when the Jews are in dispersal. The day of the "goyim" is the night of the Israelites. The triumph of non-Jewish religions (especially the triumph of the northern, “Roman” peoples of the Christian world) is defeat and suffering for the Jews. "Today belongs to you, but tomorrow belongs to us." This formula is paradigmatic for the entire Jewish messianism, but at the level of Kabbalah it reaches the fullness of its metaphysical scope.

Instead of a conclusion

  • Jewish esoteric eschatology sees the picture of the end times as the denouement of the ancient struggle of Jews against non-Jews. This follows unambiguously from the analysis of the Zohar texts. Obviously, the Talmud also contains a lot of evidence that Judaism considers Christians as one of the varieties of “idolaters”, “avadot zorah”. There is a similar attitude towards other religions, monotheistic or not. Consequently, the Jewish religious impulse in the eschatological situation (and the re-establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine cannot be viewed from a Jewish perspective other than as a direct eschatological sign announcing the imminence of the coming of the Messiah), by definition, should carry in itself aggression towards all forms of non-Jewish sacredness, identified, as we have seen, with "demonology" and "worship of the spirits of the left side." Such a dualism, affirmed,justified and accepted, first of all, by the Jews themselves, leaves representatives of other religious traditions no other choice but to identify Judaism with the function of those characters of their own eschatologies who embody the negative principle. (It is generally impossible for a non-Jew to accept the Jewish point of view, based on the racial requirements of this religion itself.) For the Christian world, the Jewish eschatological gesture to “wipe out the peoples of the Great Confusion from the face of the earth” cannot but evoke the image of the Antichrist, the “false messiah”. Muslims naturally remember the arrival of Dadjal. The Hindus, in accordance with their ideas, are likely to remember the retinue of demonic forces, which at the end of the Kali Yuga should oppose Kalki, the tenth avatar. Thus, the peoples and traditions that the Kabbalists consider to be the "Cainites", "Edomites",“Descendants of Ismail”, “sons of Lilith”, “Great Confusion”, “unclean spirits”, etc. there is nothing left to do but to recognize in the metaphysical xenophobic aggression of the “chosen people” the ominous seal of the “enemy of mankind”.

The original Russian text is here:

This is the translation of the Russian:

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