Chart: From Jewish Britain: More antisemitic incidents in May than ANY month since records began

CST figures show 325 incidents have been logged since 8 May, surpassing the previous highest of 317 in July 2014 during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.

More antisemitic incidents have been reported in Britain this month than any other since records began.

The CST confirmed this morning there has been 325 incidents of antisemitism since the start of the recent conflict. This surpasses the 317 recorded in July 2014 at the height of Operation Cast Lead, the last war between Israel and Hamas.

More than 300 of the incidents were believed to be motivated or linked to events in the Middle East, while 116 were online and 209 offline.

The rise in antisemitic hate represents a near 400 percent increase in incidents from the 66 incidents recorded in the previous 20 days, prior to the escalation in violence between Israel and Gaza .

Among the incidents, included the brutal assault of Rabbi Rafi Goodwin in Chigwell, for which two people were arrested. Four people were also arrested after a convoy of cars with Palestinian flags on drove through areas of London saying Jewish women should be raped and killed. There were also reports of mezuzahs being removed from Jewish homes and desecrated, and Jewish NHS staff being confronted about Israel this week.

A spokesperson for the CST outlined the number of incidents was likely being under-reported due to time required for processing the incidents.

They said: “Every time Israel is at war antisemitism hits record levels in the UK, and this is another depressing month to add to those in 2014, 2009 and 2006.

“However, there is nothing inevitable about this: it happens because some people choose to attack, abuse, threaten and harass British Jews, and being angry about Israel is no excuse.”


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