Video: History Reviewed Radio Show S01EP04: How Govt & Police lie & hide murder & crime in S.Africa
In this show I discuss crime in South Africa, especially murders and farm murders and the process of lying it
Read moreIn this show I discuss crime in South Africa, especially murders and farm murders and the process of lying it
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Read moreBackup Video: [archiveorg id=TurningLiberalAmericaAndEuropeIntoJewishRussiaPart21] What is the ultimate goal of Liberalism? I discuss my views on Liberalism and why Liberalism
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Read moreI have a real treat for you. I’m going to introduce you to a Portuguese Rhodesian who was in the
Read moreIn this episode I continue set the scene on the things from the past that have led to the downfall
Read moreIn this video we will look at the 42 times they tried to kill Adolf Hitler. But what is missing
Read moreIn this video we study some film footage where Hitler talks about destroying the Marxists and others. We return to
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Read moreEvalion explains why Hitler wasn’t evil. As usual, this girl gets it right. I suspect that her parents or someone
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