BRAVE WHITE EUROPEAN MAN: Very sad news from Belgium: Jurgen Coning is dead …
I got some bad news from one of my Dutch supporters. He told me that Jurgens Coning’s body was found in a forest. They believe he committed suicide by shooting himself.
We will have to see what the facts are and whether all these stories can be trusted.
Did he kill himself or did they kill him?
He did have a support base of people who are standing up for him including Dutch and Flemish people. This is great to see.
There was no need for this man to die. But I was concerned from the outset that this would end in tragedy.
I did not expect him to commit suicide.
I will say more about him later. But he had 46,000 friends and supporters on JewBook. He did not know it, but folks were supporting him and JewBook of course deleted and shut down that group.
I think Jurgen will have his supporters and that his run from the government who betrayed him, is something that will stir people in Europe. I am delighted to see some Dutch and Belgians and Flemish people standing by Jurgen.
Nothing one tries in life is ever really wasted. I’ve come to conclude that all things, even those things that end in death are NOT WASTED. Why? Because some people WILL REMEMBER and your efforts will not be forgotten.
So Rest in Peace Jurgen! You dared to say something that nobody else dared to say.
And a brave man is always remembered!