Audio: 2 Boers & a Global Panel of Whites discuss White Racial issues for 2019
This was a fascinating show to be on. It was hosted by Graham Hart and Brizer.
Please take note that Alfred Schaefer’s birthday is January 30th. Please write to him! His NEW TRIAL starts on 28th January! You’ll find his address on History Reviewed if you search.
There were 3 White South Africans on: Karin Smith (now in the USA), me and Schalk.
Monika Schaefer mentioned that more than 1,000 Germans are sitting in jail for the fake Jewish crime of Holocaust Denial.
Frederick Blackburn talks about the shifting of the Overton Window.
This was a truly fascinating lineup. I was on for 2h40m and I recorded this. At a point the host dropped off, and we tried to hijack the show! 🙂
The people who were on this show are:-
Graham Hart (UK), Brizer (Ireland), Frederick Blackbird (USA), Karin Smith (USA/SA), Jan Lamprecht (S.Africa), Schalk (S.Africa), Patricia Aiken (USA), Monika Schaefer (Canada/Germany), Dennis Wise (UK), Christopher (Wright?) Australia), John Kaminski (USA), Paul English (UK).