America’s insane Grant Strategy…

Finally, after digging around, I’ve found references from Academic/military types about America’s supposed Grand Strategy. And it reeks of Jewish type of thinking. It is about being a "leader" but a leader that pushes other nations in its Liberal direction. I need to just reread it to get the exact wording. But it basically turns America into a country that shoves its nose into other country’s business. It is almost a "woke/liberal" type of strategy.

This is of course combined with total insane nonsense like equality – we’re all equal.

It is basically a diplomatic type of strategy.

I think it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever come across. I can’t imagine Hitler, Napoleon, Caesar or anyone else who was great following such a policy.

Yes, it allows America certain "benefits".

But I reckon mostly, it is very worthless and weak really.

I think that it will make America hated and despised.

I’ll return to the topic. But I was not impressed.

It comes right out of a Liberal University type of junk thinking about people. The kind of crap Liberals try in Africa all the time and it totally fails.

It’s just pure stupidity.

Whites a hundred years ago would never have been so stupid as to try such nonsense.

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