America Under Siege By Rabid Communist BLM Revolutionaries

Racism is not dead, but is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists. —Thomas Sowell

Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are only two of over 20 communist organizations who are looting and destroying private property throughout America on the pretense of protests against police for the murder of a career criminal black man. Corporations, food outlets, beauty supply houses, politicians, Hollywood elites, sports figures and others are caving to the totalitarian Marxists because they don’t want to be called racist. They are taking a knee to the anarchists of BLM.

Dr. Ben Carson is trying to convince President Trump to “take a knee.” Laodicean Christian entertainers like Joel Osteen and Paula White took part in Blackout Tuesday, started by BLM who advocates for the tearing down of the fabric of our society by violent protest. Joel Osteen, miffed that the race riots seemed to have cancelled out the LGBTQ Pride Marches, decided to march instead with Black Lives Matter and Antifa for BlackOut Tuesday in Houston. He had plenty of company when his Laodicean buddies like John Hagee, Paula White, Tony Evans and others stepped in to join him. Paula White is an aide to President Trump.

As for me and mine, we only bend our knees and bow our heads to God Almighty.

Photo Ops

The mainstream media (MSM) comrades of the Democrat Party accused President Trump of using the Bible for a photo op when he visited the anarchist torched St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House. President Trump and Melania were married in the Episcopal Church although she is of the Catholic faith and he was raised in the Presbyterian Church.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley apologized over his role in Trump’s church visit saying he believed it compromised the military’s apolitical image. Trump doesn’t abide by Deep State rules and Milley should have known that. Perhaps Milley is right, dressed in Army fatigues and showing up with our president at a famous burned-out church because communists set it afire created an image of the military involved in domestic politics…but the anarchists are not simply domestic; they are worldwide communist revolutionaries.

Yet for all the MSM condemnation and vilifying of the president, nothing was said about the photo op of Democrats kneeling for eight minutes and 46 seconds in the Capitol Visitor Center. And to make it worse, they donned Ghana/Nigerian Kente cloth tapestries around their necks and masks to honor career criminal George Floyd who was killed by a police officer. They were slammed for doing this.

Kente cloths worn by Democrats during this photo op have been verified by USA Today fact-checker as being worn by African slave traders.

Not to be outdone by their Democratic comrades, the FBI also took a knee supporting BLM. It is an assembly of political grievance activists that includes the Nation of Islam (Farrakhan) who supplied security for George Floyd’s funeral and the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). The BLM are also working in coordination with the pro-communist Antifa (Anti-fascists) and Muslim Brotherhood.

When the FBI takes a knee to support BLM they are openly aligning with Antifa, the Nation of Islam and the violent advocacy it carries; the very overthrow of our government by communist anarchists and totalitarians. This is another Bolshevik Revolution and our top cops are bowing to our communist enemies.

Court documents show that George Floyd’s profile reads like a career criminal who was sentenced to jail at least five times. He was involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her pregnant stomach while looking for drugs and money. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2009. Nevertheless, the man did not deserve to be murdered by a cop with 18 previous complaints over his 19-year career as a police officer, 16 of which were closed without discipline.

Neck restraints were legal in Democrat run Minneapolis, and Minneapolis police used them at least 237 times during that span. In 16 percent of the incidents the suspects and other individuals lost consciousness, the department’s use-of-force records show.

Black Lives Matter

Sure, black lives matter! But every other life matters too, and you never see BLM at abortion clinics. It’s okay to murder millions upon millions of black babies in their mothers’ wombs, but that’s not what BLM cares about despite the fact that Margaret Sanger hated blacks and wanted to rid the world of them.

No, BLM is all about hating whitey and the police, overturning our capitalist society and destroying our history. BLM was established as an online platform in 2013 by three Marxist revolutionary women, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi who called themselves “queers.” Their objective was to stoke black rage and galvanize a protest movement in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” who was tried for murder and manslaughter after he had shot and killed a black Florida teenager named Trayvon Martin in a highly publicized February 2012 altercation.

At a BLM rally in New York City in 2014, the marchers chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.” They call the police “pigs” as shown on the stockings of Colin Kaepernick during football practice, and say, “Fry them like bacon,” and “Pigs in a blanket,” referring to dead police officers in body bags.

On a BLM affiliated radio program, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of a white Texas deputy; boasted that blacks were like lions who could prevail in a “race war” against whites; happily predicted that “we will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before,” and declared that, “It’s open season on killing white people and crackas.” These same anarchists have screamed at CNN reporters that they’ll kill all white babies, but they don’t realize that far more black babies are murdered daily by abortion.

Corporations are giving millions to these communist revolutionary mobs, while no one is helping the businesses destroyed by the BLM anarchists.

BLM’s Radical Marxist Founders

Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opel Tometi

Alicia Garza is a self-described “queer” social-justice activist (social justice v. justice) who reveres the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” (Shakur killed an officer in cold blood, was tried and convicted, escaped prison and fled to Cuba. She died in 2019.) Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis (another Marxist and former Black Panther who was even funded by the Lutheran Church in America in the 80s), Ella Baker (an avowed socialist who had ties to the Communist Party USA and the Weather Underground), and Audre Lorde (a black Marxist lesbian feminist).

The Weather Underground was headed by none other than Barack Obama’s good friend, Bill Ayers who participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. Ayers said, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

Garza agreed with Ayers and stated that Americans would be better off if the nation’s “corroded and corrupt system” of policing were to be terminated.

Patrisse Cullors came out as a self-described “queer” when she was 16 and was kicked out of her home. She identifies strongly with the famed abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, who is scheduled to replace President Andrew Jackson on America’s twenty-dollar bill.

Cullors volunteered with the Los Angeles-based think tank known as the Labor and Community Strategies Center (LCSC). A few years later, the Center hired Cullors to train high-school students in political organizing tactics. Cullors herself was trained to be an activist by former Weather Underground leader Eric Mann. She worked for LCSC from 2001-12.

In 2012, Cullors became interested in an ACLU lawsuit against Los Angeles deputies who were allegedly beating black inmates. She and her friends organized protests and 48 like-minded people joined her and Dignity and Power Now (DPN) was formed. It is dedicated to “protecting incarcerated people and their families in Los Angeles.” Cullors still heads her organization which is also a front group for the Marxist/Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

Cullors joined representatives from the Dream Defenders, (whose long-term goal is to cultivate “a new generation” of young radical activists) as well as a number of likeminded anti-police-brutality protesters in taking a 10-day trip to the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank in 2015. Their objective was to publicly draw a parallel between what they defined as Israeli oppression of the Palestinians in the Middle East, and police violence against blacks in the United States. Again, fake news, and false doctrine…these communists are aligned with Islamist terrorists.

In 2015, Cullors spoke at the annual Netroots Nation convention in Phoenix where she exhorted fellow blacks to “rise the f**k up” and “burn everything down!” She also said that the allegedly high incidence of black-on-black crime “is a myth.”

In 2016,she and her two BLM co-founders, Garza and Tometi were special guests of Rep. Barbara Lee at President Obama’s final State of the Union address. And that same year, Fortune magazine named Cullors and her two BLM co-founders to its list of the “50 of the most influential world leaders.”

Opel Tometi was born to parents who had illegally immigrated from Nigeria and she describes herself as a “believer and practitioner of liberation theology.” Since January 2011, she has been a national organizer for Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), a George Sorosfunded group that strives to advance “immigrant rights and racial justice” for “African-American, Afro-Latino, African and Caribbean immigrant communities.” Tometi’s official BAJI profile describes her as “a Black feminist writer, communications strategist and cultural organizer.”

In 2010, she condemned SB 1070, an Arizona law that authorized state police to check with federal authorities on the immigration status of criminal suspects, and views Voter ID laws as racist schemes designed to disenfranchise nonwhite voters. And in late 2013, Tometi visited the White House and met with Heather Foster, Obama’s then lead liaison to the black community.

In her January 2015 piece, “Celebrating MLK Day: Reclaiming Our Movement Legacy,” Tometi calls for the development of a “new” and “radical” contingent of “Black trans people, Black queer people, Black immigrants, Black incarcerated people and formerly incarcerated people, Black millennials, Black women, low income Black people, and Black people with disabilities” to lead social-justice activism in the United States. Tometi is also active in a network called Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD), which teaches black activists how to help build a “social justice infrastructure.”

Tometi spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in 2016 on issues related to race, white supremacy, and police terror. Now African countries are circulating a draft resolution calling for a high-level investigation into U.S. racism and police violence by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

LBGTQ organizations stand in solidarity with BLM.

Poisoned Fruit

In Trevor Loudon’s book, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, he states, “Those who surround Obama fall into a wide category of radicals, Marxists, communists, and Americans who have joined together in a coordinated effort to overthrow capitalism and the Republic of the United States of America.”

CNN’s Van Jones was hired as Obama’s “Green Jobs” czar, but had to resign because of his Maoist affiliations. Jones was a founding organizer and leader of the communist revolutionary organization, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). The organization had its roots in a group protesting “U.S. Imperialism” during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM’s influences as “third-world Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism).”

Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Why? Who is he fighting?

On October 30, 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” In May of that same year, Michelle Obama told us what they had planned when she said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Was she referring to the anarchist destruction we’re seeing today?

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) is over 32,000 strong and it is his “civilian army.” They have several paid employees, all of whom make six figure salaries according to the organization’s 2018990. Obama has an army of agitators and rioters and his former Attorney General, Eric Holder is working to influence the nation’s redistricting maps for democrats.

OFA is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former President Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party and how to destroy President Trump. They even have a training manual in how to protest against President Trump, taken from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

Obama and Mandela

Nelson Mandela was pleased that Obama won the 2008 election. He even wrote him a letter congratulating him on his win. Obama quoted Mandela throughout his political career and when Mandela died, Obama’s tribute extoled the virtues of Marxist/Leninist Mandela.

Mandela and other African National Congress (A.N.C.) leaders formed a military wing called Spear of the Nation. He became the first commander in chief of the guerrilla army. He trained to fight, worked to obtain weapons for the group, but he never saw combat.

In early 1990, Mandela was freed from prison and turned South Africa into a nation of black hatred against white farmers. Here is his timeline. This is the story Obama reveres, and the story that echoes now in America. Mandela’s nephew later went on an axe rampage against whites.

In today’s South Africa, if you want to cultivate the land, you need training and it comes from Israel special forces in a two-week tactical survival course. They teach how to ward off the enemy, a practical guide to staying alive. Watch the five-minute video.

Obama said, “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life. My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid. I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.”

Really President Obama? You drew inspiration from an avowed communist who destroyed South African white farmers who now have to live in protected communities, in order to keep from being slaughtered? You revere the rape and slaughter of pregnant women and children and their farmer fathers hacked to death by Mandela’s black forces? Apparently so, and we know your words have inflamed those who hate America’s whites and are destroying their property today.

In October of 2018, I wrote an article exposing the truth of communist Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie who took joy in “necklacing” those whites and blacks who disagreed with her husband’s apartheid destruction.

The toxic genocide of whites in South Africa is a direct result of Mandela’s Marxist apartheid. Mandela was the man who went from prisoner to president and became the destroyer of South African whites.

Around the globe, Nelson Mandela is held up as an icon of justice, equality, and peaceful struggle for right. The problem with this image, however, is that it is entirely false. The record demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nelson Mandela was not a peace-loving Freedom fighter, but a communist revolutionary who reveled in violence, promoted white genocide, and facilitated the Marxist subversion of South Africa.

Under ANC rule, South Africa has joined BRICS. BRICS is an international coalition of anti-Western states headed by Russia and Red China. The dominant members are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together, these states have attempted to offset Western power and shift power to themselves. Nelson Mandela was a Communist Tool.


1,700,000 firearms were purchased in May of this year, many by people who have never owned a firearm. We don’t want another civil war, but the communist anarchists are pushing for it.


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