19 Pics: Jewish Chameleons at Work: Helen Zille & Theresa May pretending they are BLACK!!!
Let me show you Jewish Chameleons at work, faking it as something they are not. They’ll pretend anything. You name it, and a Jew will try to fake it.
I don’t know if Theresa May is Jewish, but Helen Zille definitely is. Helen Zille is a journalist who was fast-tracked upwards to fame (Jewish privilege at work in South Africa). She fakes it as a Christian and she pretends to be a Liberal. She was the head of the (((DA))) (((Democratic Alliance))), a totally Jew-controlled political party that now has a black face.
I just want to show you that the idiot, May, who came and danced in front of blacks and faking it as their friend is really just acting the way that Zille has in South Africa for years. Zille, I might add is a German Jew and her scumbag mommy and daddy were fleeing from Adolf Hitler’s Europe before WW2. You need to ask yourself: What were they hiding that they needed to flee from Hitler, because Hitler was only concerned with Communists! Did Zille become a communist because Mommy and Daddy were Jewish Communists in Hitler’s Germany?
Here is Theresa May making a fool of herself in South Africa like the dope that she is:
Now let me show you Zille and her dancing. She’s a much more practised Jewish chameleon faking it as a black. It’s quite astounding really. Here you can see visually, what a fake a Jewish Chameleon is. Here is Zille with President Zuma. (Now you know why this country is a shit-hole that is going nowhere). This is still “classy” by the low standards of South Africa. Stick around, it gets worse.
Let’s get down to lower South African standards…
Here is Jewish Zille pretending to be “in” with a common black:
Here is the communist Jewess Helen Zille giving a black power salute (makes me want to puke):
Here she is singing and dancing with blacks. There is no level a Jew won’t stoop to, in order to get votes and POWER!!!

More of her low class act as she tries to get black votes at every twist and turn…

But as I will show you, things don’t always go the Jewish way. Let me show you how a Jewish/Elite Globalist plan went very wrong for her a few years ago. You see this black woman Ramphele on the left. Now she was in with the globalists. She spent time overseas with the world bank or IMF or something like that. She made a big name for herself there. Then she started her own political party here. Then they decided to merge the fake act of Zille with this black clown like figure. They reckoned that with Ramphele’s globalist connections, her strong local roots and Zille – that together, they could do huge things.

Mamphela Ramphele dances as she stands next to Helen Zille(R), leader of the Democratic Alliance(DA), during a press conference where she was announced as the DA Presidential candidate for the upcoming 2014 South African elections, on January 28, 2014, in Cape Town. South Africa’s centrist opposition parties joined forces Tuesday to challenge the ruling ANC at upcoming elections, with black consciousness stalwart Mamphela Ramphele tapped as their presidential candidate. The opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) announced it would field Ramphele — the partner of slain South African hero Steve Biko — to face beleaguered incumbent president Jacob Zuma. AFP PHOTO / RODGER BOSCH (Photo credit should read RODGER BOSCH/AFP/Getty Images)
Here’s Zille faking it as a black again with her new best buddy whom she is fully “down” with… (low class Jew standards)
They must have had Liberal American consultants who managed Ramphele’s image and they got her a “tribal” look that they thought would blow the blacks away. And below is what they dressed her like.
The only problem is that whites will see this “traditional” look is the same as that of a court Jester in Europe – a CLOWN! So instead of her looking “serious” and “regal” she looked like a fucking clown (which in reality she probably is).

So then Jewess Zille and Ramphele were posed in this weird, creepy lesbian kiss type shot all across South Africa’s media:
But then there was a leak about their political plans. Something was leaked which came out wrong in the media. (Possibly the ANC even was behind the leak). But it caused a ruckus and made Jewess Zille look bad. So she went on to thoroughly backstab this black woman whom she had been “best pals” with. So Ramphele’s ship sank and Zille did what Jews do best, and that is to save their own useless asses. And that was the end of that sordid, creepy, little political plan.
Then came the next Jewish plan, which also has not been too nice for Zille.
Here she is with Maimane, the Christian weakling whom the Jews decided was their deceptive new black face for their political party. (They need to dump the whites so that they can fool the blacks and get as many of their votes as possible without the blacks knowing what the real game is). Maimane is married to a white woman who might be Jewish. And he’s a Christian. The Jews know that faking Christianity is critical in SA. In this photo she is rather too uncomfortably close to Maimane.
Here is Maimane and his white wife. My Boer NAZI pal thinks she’s Jewish. I don’t know for certain:
And they’re Christians and they’re the perfect Liberal/Jewish advert for the future of South Africa.
Now here’s a photo I like: Helen Zille crying! Why is the Jewess crying? Well she said something positive about colonialism just to keep fooling her white idiot supporters. So Maimane SUSPENDED HER!!! Yes, a Jew loses some POWER… so she burst into tears!! Hahahaha. So let’s leave it at that! Isn’t it great to see a Jewess getting her comeuppance from a black? Its poetic!
These people are such fake scum. Why do we whites associate with this garbage hey?