EXCELLENT: Federal Judge Hands Trump Huge Win, Blocks DOJ Review of Seized Documents and Appoints Special Master

[It's really nice to see Trump winning legally. Very nice. There are several documents that you can view regarding this at the source link below. Jan]

A federal judge has just handed President Donald Trump a huge win by blocking Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) from reviewing documents seized at Mar-a-Lago until after a special master has been appointed.

Judge Allen Cannon, a Trump appointee, has granted a request from Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized from the 45th president’s Florida home by the FBI.

The ruling will halt all reviews of the documents seized by the DOJ in its political investigation of Trump for alleged mishandling of classified documents and obstruction.

According to CNN, the ruling “orders a third-party attorney, from outside the government, be brought in to review the materials that were taken from Trump’s home and resort in Florida.

“It also halts the Justice Department from continuing its review of the materials seized from Mar-a-Lago ‘pending completion of the special master’s review or further Court order.’

Source: https://slaynews.com/news/federal-judge-hands-trump-huge-win-over-doj-halts-review-of-seized-documents-and-appoints-special-master/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter

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