White Canadian Woman: I am NOT proud to be a Canadian

[A Canadian lady copied me on an email to a Conservative Representative. I was quite amazed that the Representative was actually BLACK! Quite shocking for a country that is filled with Whites. But yeah, Jews are stuffing up everything. Jan]

This is what the White Canadian lady wrote to the "Conservative" Black representative:

Dear xxxxx

We have been almost totally taken over by an alien philosophy therefore, at this time, I am NOT proud to be a Canadian. I am ashamed of what Canada has become.

Children are being ripped from their parents and put out there somewhere and the parents do not know where they are and will never see their children again. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

Children are being sexualized and encouraged to transgender. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

We forever hear that women need more rights and the right to reproductive health which means they want the right to murder their unborn babies. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

Pastors are being jailed and abused in government holding cells. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

We have recently been slammed with the Covid Scam which has cost lives, money, businesses to close and many suicides. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

The feminist philosophy is destroying lives. It is destroying the lives of men, women and families. Does this make you proud to be a Canadian?

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