Long list of Jews undermining America: Jewish Community Activists & Subversives


Graenum Berger – founder of AAEJ

Rabbi Meir Kahane – Founder of the Jewish Defense League *[1]

Michael Albert – co-founder of Z Magazine

Leslie Cagan – founder of UPJ

Ben Cohen – founder of TrueMajority

Jeff Cohen – founder of FAIR

Daniel Ellsberg – leaked the Pentagon Papers (Jewish parents)

Felix Frankfurter – helped found the ACLU

Mitch Kapor – co-founder of EFF

Jonathan Tasini – National Writers Union leader, fights for electronic rights for authors

William Kunstler – civil rights lawyer famous for defending controversial “radical” clients such as the “Chicago Seven” protesters of the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

Aryeh Neier – head of HRW, ACLU, OSI

Eli Pariser – campaigns director of MoveOn.org

Bruce Perens – open source advocate, co-founder of SPI

Marcus Raskin – co-founder of IPS

Kenneth Roth – head of HRW

George Soros – founder of OSI

Richard Stallman – founder of FSF

Nadine Strossen – head of ACLU (father half Jewish fake holocaust survivor)

Allard K. Lowenstein – politician and anti-war leader

Thomas Buergenthal – U.S. judge on the International Court of Justice

Alan Dershowitz, U.S. lawyer – Professor Harvard Law School, popular author

M. Jerome Diamond – President of National Association of Attorneys General.

Samuel Leibowitz – lawyer, defender of the Scottsboro Boys

Edward Levi – U.S. Attorney General 1975-77

Martin Lipton – U.S. leading business lawer corporate merges

Julian Mack – President of US Circuit Court of Appeals

Stanley Mosk – U.S. jurist, California Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General

Peter Neufeld – Innocence Project

Barry Scheck – Co-founder of the Innocence Project, defense lawyer for O.J. Simpson. Described as Jewish in news coverage.

Eliot Spitzer – Attorney General of New York

Laurence H. Tribe – Professor of Law, Harvard University

Eugene Volokh – Professor of Law, UCLA

Allen Ginsberg – poet, Pentagon levitator

Jeremy Glick – author & son of September 11 Victim

Murray N. Rothbard – writer


Abraham Foxman – head of the ADL

Kivie Kaplan – head of the NAACP

Winona LaDuke – Native American acitivst & environmentalist (Jewish mother)

Stanley Levison – advisor of Martin Luther King

Abel Meeropol – composer of Strange Fruit

Michael Schwerner & Andrew Goodman – CORE activists, KKK victims

Joel & Arthur Spingarn – early NAACP leaders

Helen Suzman – South African anti-apartheid activist

Tim Wise – anti-racism activist


Bella Abzug – feminist politician

Gloria Allred – feminist lawyer

Bettina Aptheker – lesbian activist, author, educator

Andrea Dworkin – feminist writer

Susan Faludi – feminist writer

Leslie Feinberg – transgender activist & author

Clara Fraser – founder of Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party

Franklin E Kameny – gay rights leader

Betty Friedan – co-founder & first president of NOW

Arnie Kantrowitz – co-founder of GLAAD

Harvey Milk – murdered gay rights activist & openly-gay politician

Robin Morgan – editor of Ms. Magazine

Ernestine Rose – feminist

Gloria Steinem – founder of Ms. Magazine (Jewish father)

Rebecca Walker – feminist writer (Jewish father)

Naomi Wolf – feminist writer

Evan Wolfson – gay marriage activist

Eve Ensler – feminist writer, performer

Rosa Luxemburg – Marxist feminist subversive

Andrea Bronfman – feminist wife of Charles Bronfman

Blu Greenberg – feminist writer

Brenda Howard – bisexual feminist activist

Arlene Raven – feminist art historian

Buz Hawn – feminist

Betty Comden – feminist Broadway actress/writer

Cathy Young – feminist journalist

Clara Fox – feminist activist

Elfriede Jelenik – feminist playwright

Ellen Willis – political essayist, feminist

Emily Mehlman – feminist activist

Gertrude Stein – feminist art collector

Grace Paley – feminist writer/activist

Hanne Blank – feminist writer/hisorian

Helen Cohen – feminist

Jean Rothenberg – feminist activist

Jennifer Miller – feminist

Joyce Warshow – feminist activist

Judy Blume – feminist writer

Judy Cohen – feminist writer

Kathy Pollett – feminist

Kitty Carlisle – feminist singer/actress

Lisa Goldberg – feminist

Madeleine Stern – feminist historian, writer

Melton Florence – feminist

Mollie Orshansky – feminist economist

Muniel Rukeyser – feminist, political activist, poet

Naomi Klein – author, feminist activist

Nina Hartley – feminist porn actress

Pamela Waechter – feminist, political activist, subversive

Rachel Adler – feminist, professor

Ruth Ginsberg – feminist, supreme court justice

Ruth Morgenthau – feminist, political activist

Ruth Segel – feminist

Ruth Westheimer – Dr. Ruth, sex freak, feminist

Sally Fox – feminist

Sally Lilienthal – feminist activist

Savina Teubal – feminist activist

Shirley Broner – feminist

Spencer Laszlo – feminist

Susan Sontag – feminist

Sylvia Siegel – feminist

Tillie Olsen – feminist

Trude Weiss-Rosmarin – feminist

Wendy Wasserstein – feminist


Judi Bari – environmentalist (Jewish mother)

Robert “Gypsy Boots” Bootzin – health food and fitness

Laurie David – environmental activist

Bernard Lown – co-founder of IPPNW, Nobel Peace Prize (1985)

Ed Rosenthal – cannabis activist

Elizabeth Glaser – founder of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Rose Kushner – breast cancer activist

Mathilde Krim – founder of amFAR (converted)

Larry Kramer – co-founder of GMHC

Irving & Dorothy Stowe, co-founders of Greenpeace

Rob Reiner – actor, director, producer, anti-tobacco


Freddy De Freitas – founder and director of the Indiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA

Henry Spira – animal rights activist


Elizabeth Glaser – founder of Elizabeth Glaser pediatric AIDS foundation

Lary Kramer – co-founder of GMHC


Elmer Berger – reform rabbi, deceased

Noam Chomsky – linguist, historian, author

Norman Finkelstein – former college professor

Fred Newman – founder of International Workers Party

Adam Shapiro – member of International Solidarity Movement

Anna Baltzer – author and public speaker


Midge Decter – writer

David Horowitz – writer, activist, commentator

Irving Kristol – founder of American Neoconservatism.

William Kristol – editor, writer

Rabbi Daniel Lapin – founder of Toward Tradition

Jay Lovestone – AFL-CIO cold warrior; earlier, chairman of Communist Party USA ousted on orders from Stalin

John Podhoretz – writer and commentator

Norman Podhoretz – writer


Abbie Hoffman – co-founder of the Yippie

Ed Rosenthal – cannabis activist

Jerry Rubin – co-founder of the Yippie

A.J. Weberman – Yippie activist, author


Maurice Davis – rabbi, testified to joint-Congressional panel in 1976

Steven Hassan – exit counselor, author Combating Cult Mind Control

Rick Ross – consultant on cults


Sandra Froman – President of the National Rifle Association (NRA), second female president


Emanuel Celler – Representative

Thomas Dodd – Senator

Howard Metzenbaum – Senator

Herbert Kohl – Senator

Charles Schumer – House of Representatives

Dianne Feinstein – Senator

Arlen Specter – Senator

Frank Lautenberg – Senator

Barbara Boxer a.k.a. Barbara Levy – Senator

Carl Levin – Senator

Mike Bloomberg – New York city mayor

Rahm Emanuel – Obama’s former chief of staff, son of jewish Irgun terrorists

Richard Blumenthal – Senator

Alan Dershowitz – Harvard professor

John Rosenthal – Boston jewish activist

Dan Gross – President of Brady Campaign

Max Nacheman – CeaseFire PA anti-gun activist


Daniel Burros – American Nazi Party and KKK activist (committed suicide in 1965 when his background was revealed)

Adam Yahiye Gadahn – Al Qaeda member, federal fugitive (son of musician Phil Pearlman, who converted from Judaism to Christianity)

Harold von Braunhut – wealthy Aryan Nation and KKK supporter, deceased (born Jewish according to Washington Post)


Kinky Friedman – country singer, 2006 candidate for Texas governor

Source: http://www.subvertednation.net/jew-lists/jewish-community-leaders-activists/

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