CANADA: Our rights are not negotiable, Kelowna – End the Lockdown Protest Told

“Our rights are not negotiable,” Kelowna “End the Lockdown” Protest Told

Posted on May 8, 2020
Local press interviews organizer Dave Lindsay Paul Fromm, Director of CAFE, lends a hand.

The “End the Lockdown Protest” in Kelowna, May 6, drew over 40 people from throughout the Okanagan. Led by Dave Lindsay of CLEAR and supported by CAFE, the protest decided on a follow up protest on Saturday May 16 at 11:00 at Stuart Park.

In a fiery speech to the protesters, Mr. Lindsay said: “Our rights are not negotiable.” Much of the information used to terrify people into compliance is false, he added. Several protesters noted that it is usually sick people who are quarantined, but present government “stay at home/shut down businesses” policy involves quarantining people who are healthy.

“Quarantine occurs when you restrict movement of sick people. But tyranny happens when you restrict the movement of healthy people. We don’t need a nanny state to tell people who to be careful.”

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