RACE IS REAL: Are French Jews 6x more susceptible to COVID-19 than Whites?
I was utterly fascinated by this report by the Jewish filth on the many Jewish deaths in France … which made my day.
However, at the end of the article it said:
According to the 1,300 tally, Jews make up about 5% of the 25,897 COVID-19 fatalities recorded in France. That statistic means that French Jews’ share of the death toll is six times larger than their share of the population.
It is firstly excellent that Jews are dying 6x more than the French whites. But secondly, it would be interesting to know why the Jews are more susceptible than the whites.
Source: https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/at-least-1300-french-jews-have-died-of-covid-19